Death Guard

- Summary
Time played:270H 53M 9SGames played:820Current Credits:97,772Leaderboards:#30,689 (Top 2%)#23,665 (Top 5%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Rocket Trooper Points 3Jun 9, 2014 04:07Banshee Points 1Jun 8, 2014 02:31Brute Points 1May 27, 2014 03:45Geth Prime Points 3May 27, 2014 02:46Dragoon Points 3May 23, 2014 02:53Centurion Points 3Apr 1, 2014 02:16N7 Destroyer ExtractionsJan 29, 2014 23:53Firebase Giant: Gold WavesJan 29, 2014 23:10Hazard: Gold WavesDec 31, 2013 06:14Firebase Hydra ExtractionsDec 19, 2013 04:06
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Collector Mastery86%
13 of 15Atlas Points 399%
448534 of 450000Praetorian Points 397%
437173 of 450000Abomination Points 395%
428062 of 450000In-Game Medals Earned94%
4720 of 5000Geth Pulse Rifle Use94%
189211 of 200000Geth Bomber Points 393%
422390 of 450000N7 Fury Extractions90%
9 of 10Firebase White: Gold Waves89%
89 of 100