- Summary
Time played:57H 22M 23SGames played:176Current Credits:9,014Leaderboards:#282,361 (Top 15%)#185,212 (Top 34%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Tech Explosions Detonated 1Dec 2, 2016 01:09Electric Slash UseDec 1, 2016 00:36Shadow Strike UseNov 30, 2016 23:39
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Tech Mastery23%
3 of 13Bloodpack Mastery0%
0 of 9Dark Sphere Use51%
25598 of 50000Geth Juggernaut Extractions50%
5 of 10Geth Turret Use47%
23991 of 50000Black Widow Use44%
61656 of 140000Bronze Extractions40%
10 of 25N7 Shadow Extractions40%
4 of 10Brute Points 137%
56073 of 150000Silver Extractions36%
9 of 25