
- Summary
Time played:219H 31M 38SGames played:655Current Credits:55,621Leaderboards:#243,212 (Top 13%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Operation Lodestar (Insanity)Mar 8, 2013 00:22Operation Lodestar (Normal)Mar 8, 2013 00:22Operation Lodestar (Insanity)Mar 8, 2013 00:22Operation Lodestar (Normal)Mar 8, 2013 00:22Operation Lodestar (Insanity)Mar 7, 2013 03:47Operation Lodestar (Normal)Mar 7, 2013 03:47Firebase White: Gold WavesMar 7, 2013 03:39Operation Lodestar (Normal)Mar 7, 2013 03:07Operation Lodestar (Insanity)Mar 7, 2013 03:07Operation Lodestar (Insanity)Mar 7, 2013 02:29
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Combat Mastery83%
10 of 12Shadow Strike Use99%
49652 of 50000First Aid Medals99%
99 of 100Scion Points 298%
295335 of 300000Geth Trooper Points 398%
442246 of 450000Firebase London: Gold Waves95%
95 of 100Marauder Points 195%
143051 of 150000Guardian Points 192%
139236 of 150000Firebase White: Platinum Waves90%
90 of 100