
- Summary
Time played:1307H 27M 6SGames played:3449Current Credits:1,090,406Leaderboards:#436 (Top 1%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Vorcha Sentinel ExtractionsMar 24, 2015 00:17Flamer UseMar 23, 2015 23:59Firebase Reactor: Gold WavesMar 23, 2015 23:49Firebase Reactor: Silver WavesMar 23, 2015 23:49Firebase Reactor: Bronze WavesMar 23, 2015 23:49Husk Points 2Mar 23, 2015 23:35Bloodpack MasteryMar 23, 2015 23:25Krogan Sentinel Waves CompletedMar 23, 2015 23:25Disciple UseMar 23, 2015 23:11Shotgun MasteryMar 23, 2015 23:11
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Commando Mastery91%
11 of 12Collector Captain Points 298%
294142 of 300000Geth Plasma SMG Use96%
135340 of 140000Firebase Ghost: Gold Waves96%
96 of 100Over-Cover Grab 392%
232 of 250Firebase Vancouver: Platinum Waves92%
92 of 100Electric Slash Use92%
46289 of 50000Scorpion Use91%
128450 of 140000Points Earned91%
22790258 of 25000000