- Summary
Time played:568H 46M 23SGames played:1736Current Credits:1,380Leaderboards:#267,860 (Top 14%)#7,335 (Top 2%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Juggernaut ExtractionsDec 25, 2020 06:11Striker Assault Rifle UseAug 23, 2014 03:09M-6 Carnifex UseAug 23, 2014 02:43Firebase Jade ExtractionsAug 23, 2014 02:01Asari Justicar ExtractionsAug 22, 2014 08:48Alliance Infiltrator ExtractionsAug 22, 2014 08:21Cannibal Points 2Aug 22, 2014 04:04Geth Pyro Points 2Aug 5, 2014 07:51N7 Typhoon UseAug 5, 2014 07:42Shadow Strike UseAug 5, 2014 07:22
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Collector Mastery93%
14 of 15Earth Mastery88%
8 of 9Points Earned98%
24506368 of 25000000M-76 Revenant Use96%
135680 of 140000Biotic Explosions Detonated 294%
236 of 250Asari Huntress Waves Completed92%
185 of 200Geth Juggernaut Waves Completed92%
185 of 200M-27 Scimitar Use91%
127580 of 140000Vorcha Soldier Waves Completed91%
183 of 200Turian Ghost Waves Completed91%
183 of 200