Street Sweeper

- Summary
Time played:280H 13M 43SGames played:852Current Credits:21,284Leaderboards:#152,718 (Top 8%)#16,562 (Top 3%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Striker Assault Rifle UseDec 22, 2015 16:36Geth Bomber Points 1Nov 28, 2015 05:03Cryo Blast UseNov 28, 2015 04:14N7 Piranha UseNov 28, 2015 02:03Shotgun MasteryNov 28, 2015 02:03Reegar Carbine UseAug 10, 2015 20:43First Aid MedalsAug 10, 2015 20:02Atlas Points 2Aug 10, 2015 04:08Geth Prime Points 1Aug 10, 2015 02:58M-7 Lancer UseJul 23, 2015 17:33
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Map Mastery92%
37 of 40Geth Proximity Mine Use97%
48821 of 50000Geth Engineer Waves Completed95%
191 of 200Biotic Slash Use95%
47614 of 50000Electrical Hammer Use95%
47563 of 50000Cerberus Trooper Points 394%
423358 of 450000Graal Spike Thrower Use92%
185571 of 200000M-99 Saber Use91%
127956 of 140000Geth Trooper Points 291%
274151 of 300000