
- Summary
Time played:1218H 51M 23SGames played:4195Current Credits:42,114Leaderboards:#1,384 (Top 1%)#2,363 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
M-76 Revenant UseSep 23, 2021 00:43Hazard ExtractionsAug 3, 2020 21:58Guardian Points 2Aug 2, 2020 23:24Abomination Points 3Aug 1, 2020 01:15Tech Explosions Detonated 3Jul 31, 2020 17:20Phoenix Vanguard ExtractionsJul 27, 2020 19:07Phoenix Vanguard Waves CompletedJul 27, 2020 19:01Geth Hunter Points 3Jul 27, 2020 17:14Siege Pulse UseJul 26, 2020 13:46Brute Points 2Jul 26, 2020 02:58
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Collector Mastery93%
14 of 15Combat Mastery91%
11 of 12Geth Turret Use99%
49542 of 50000Firebase Vancouver: Silver Waves97%
97 of 100Geth Spitfire Use94%
188851 of 200000Praetorian Points 393%
421885 of 450000Geth Prime Points 393%
421653 of 450000Phantom Points 393%
421084 of 450000N7 Typhoon Use92%
129325 of 140000Promotions91%
11 of 12