- Summary
Time played:1304H 17M 51SGames played:3864Current Credits:1,136,037Leaderboards:#1,345 (Top 1%)#1,304 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Over-Cover Grab 3Jul 18, 2020 23:46M-22 Eviscerator UseJul 18, 2020 23:20Collector Trooper Points 2Jul 18, 2020 14:25Cryo Blast UseJul 18, 2020 13:00Sentry Turret UseJul 16, 2020 14:37Cannibal Points 3Jul 15, 2020 15:32Volus Engineer ExtractionsJul 15, 2020 14:52SMG MasteryJul 15, 2020 14:21N7 Hurricane UseJul 15, 2020 14:21Tech Explosions Detonated 1Jul 15, 2020 13:29
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Biotic Mastery92%
13 of 14Map Mastery70%
28 of 40Asari Justicar Waves Completed97%
194 of 200M-13 Raptor Use97%
135992 of 140000N7 Piranha Use97%
195315 of 200000Centurion Points 196%
144165 of 150000Executioner Pistol Use96%
193165 of 200000Turian Havoc Waves Completed92%
184 of 200Brute Points 192%
139407 of 150000Waves Completed92%
2312 of 2500