- Summary
Time played:11H 7M 34SGames played:36Current Credits:2,269,909Leaderboards:#141,820 (Top 12%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Proximity Mine UseSep 12, 2016 21:33N7 Piranha UseSep 12, 2016 21:04N7 Piranha UseSep 12, 2016 20:47Biotic Slash UseSep 11, 2016 00:51Biotic Charge UseSep 11, 2016 00:50Tech Explosions Detonated 2Sep 10, 2016 23:39Headshots 1Sep 10, 2016 00:28Biotic Explosions Detonated 1Sep 8, 2016 02:52Energy Drain UseSep 8, 2016 02:29Shadow Strike UseSep 5, 2016 23:32
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Tech Mastery38%
5 of 13Biotic Mastery21%
3 of 14Cryo Blast Use92%
23014 of 25000Grenade Damage Use 291%
183181 of 200000Cannibal Points 191%
137096 of 150000Dark Sphere Use88%
44025 of 50000Smash Use87%
43862 of 50000Snap Freeze Use86%
43074 of 50000Lash Use83%
41654 of 50000Geth Plasma Shotgun Use79%
111868 of 140000