
- Summary
Time played:951H 10M 58SGames played:2591Current Credits:5,704,611Leaderboards:#601 (Top 1%)#3,302 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Female Quarian Infiltrator Waves CompletedJun 16, 2014 18:47Waves CompletedJun 16, 2014 18:35Firebase Rio: Gold WavesFeb 13, 2014 14:49Geth Trooper Points 2Feb 12, 2014 14:40N7 MasteryNov 14, 2013 15:45PromotionsNov 14, 2013 15:45Firebase Ghost: Platinum WavesNov 13, 2013 20:56Firebase Dagger: Gold WavesNov 13, 2013 19:45Firebase Dagger: Bronze WavesNov 13, 2013 19:45Firebase Dagger: Silver WavesNov 13, 2013 19:45
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Collector Mastery93%
14 of 15Firebase Dagger: Platinum Waves99%
99 of 100Sentry Turret Use97%
48677 of 50000Cannibal Points 295%
287045 of 300000SMG Medals93%
93 of 100Geth Trooper Points 390%
409246 of 450000Turian Ghost Extractions90%
9 of 10Awakened Collector Waves Completed88%
176 of 200Quarian Marksman Waves Completed86%
172 of 200