Operation Tribute

- Summary
Time played:1072H 31M 18SGames played:3052Current Credits:70,292Leaderboards:#1,041 (Top 1%)#4,065 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Collector Trooper Points 2Nov 16, 2021 13:43Hazard: Silver WavesJun 14, 2019 21:24PromotionsJan 19, 2016 03:33Marauder Points 2Jan 19, 2016 02:15Scion Points 1Feb 28, 2015 07:34Abomination Points 1Feb 28, 2015 06:49Geth Trooper Points 3Feb 28, 2015 06:16Hazard: Bronze WavesFeb 28, 2015 05:45Female Quarian Engineer Waves CompletedFeb 21, 2015 07:45Firebase Vancouver ExtractionsFeb 21, 2015 07:23
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Rebellion Mastery88%
8 of 9Hazard: Platinum Waves99%
199 of 200Sentry Turret Use99%
49604 of 50000Asari Commando Waves Completed99%
199 of 200N7 Crusader Use98%
137905 of 140000Firebase Goddess: Gold Waves98%
98 of 100Krogan Battlemaster Waves Completed95%
190 of 200N7 Piranha Use93%
186113 of 200000Acolyte Use92%
184907 of 200000