- Summary
Time played:168H 38M 34SGames played:544Current Credits:5,905Leaderboards:#424,097 (Top 22%)#30,201 (Top 6%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Tech Explosions Detonated 2Jul 15, 2020 03:03Phantom Points 3Jul 15, 2020 02:45N7 Typhoon UseJul 15, 2020 00:59Firebase Reactor: Silver WavesSep 27, 2019 16:26Blood Pack Punisher UseSep 27, 2019 06:41Flamer UseApr 11, 2019 00:14Abomination Points 3Apr 10, 2019 03:06Praetorian Points 2Apr 10, 2019 03:00Cerberus Harrier UseApr 9, 2019 03:23Nemesis Points 2Jan 13, 2019 16:13
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Combat Mastery91%
11 of 12Geth Mastery88%
16 of 18Dragoon Points 395%
431421 of 450000Scion Points 394%
423562 of 450000Geth Juggernaut Waves Completed92%
184 of 200Firebase Rio: Silver Waves91%
91 of 100Cabal Vanguard Extractions90%
9 of 10Vorcha Sentinel Extractions90%
9 of 10Siege Pulse Use87%
43958 of 50000Atlas Points 385%
384458 of 450000