- Summary
Time played:23H 58M 26SGames played:93Current Credits:71,757Leaderboards:#498,484 (Top 26%)#197,064 (Top 36%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Incinerate UseAug 5, 2019 13:21Sentry Turret UseAug 1, 2019 19:26
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Tech Mastery15%
2 of 13Bloodpack Mastery0%
0 of 9Cerberus Trooper Points 154%
81005 of 150000M-76 Revenant Use34%
48806 of 140000M-4 Shuriken Use34%
48122 of 140000Headshots 128%
71 of 250Cerberus Trooper Points 227%
81005 of 300000Cerberus Trooper Points 318%
81005 of 450000Tech Explosions Detonated 118%
9 of 50Cannibal Points 118%
27948 of 150000