
- Summary
Time played:511H 27M 17SGames played:1250Current Credits:8,758Leaderboards:#41,616 (Top 3%)#8,080 (Top 2%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Condor: Bronze WavesMar 6, 2014 18:50Shadow Strike UseMar 5, 2014 19:27Firebase Vancouver: Silver WavesMar 5, 2014 17:53Firebase Vancouver: Bronze WavesMar 5, 2014 17:53Collector Trooper Points 1Mar 5, 2014 10:18Tech Explosions Detonated 3Mar 5, 2014 10:04Geth Prime Points 1Feb 27, 2014 17:57Firebase Ghost: Silver WavesFeb 27, 2014 17:49Firebase Ghost: Bronze WavesFeb 27, 2014 17:49Cryo Blast UseFeb 27, 2014 17:48
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Earth Mastery88%
8 of 9Firebase Ghost: Gold Waves99%
99 of 100Centurion Points 199%
149839 of 150000Platinum Extractions96%
24 of 25Geth Juggernaut Waves Completed96%
192 of 200Dragoon Points 394%
426118 of 450000Firebase Condor: Silver Waves91%
91 of 100Geth Pyro Points 190%
136273 of 150000Turian Havoc Extractions90%
9 of 10