
- Summary
Time played:393H 57M 6SGames played:1390Current Credits:142,303Leaderboards:#9,019 (Top 1%)#9,436 (Top 2%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Assault Rifle MedalsSep 6, 2013 00:13Vorcha Soldier Waves CompletedSep 5, 2013 23:50Scion Points 2Jun 22, 2013 08:13Shockwave UseJun 22, 2013 08:11Reegar Carbine UseJun 21, 2013 06:30N7 Crusader UseJun 21, 2013 00:04Geth Hunter Points 1Jun 20, 2013 20:07Geth Rocket Trooper Points 1Jun 20, 2013 20:06Seeker Swarm UseJun 20, 2013 03:46Geth Trooper Points 3Jun 20, 2013 02:49
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Earth Mastery88%
8 of 9Retaliation Mastery83%
5 of 6N7 Typhoon Use99%
138758 of 140000Geth Pyro Points 197%
146237 of 150000Banshee Points 294%
282708 of 300000Energy Drain Use91%
45735 of 50000Husk Points 291%
273285 of 300000Dark Sphere Use90%
45370 of 50000Reckoning Mastery90%
9 of 10Praetorian Points 188%
132920 of 150000