- Summary
Time played:113H 46M 26SGames played:381Current Credits:48,562Leaderboards:#86,898 (Top 5%)#48,714 (Top 9%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Vancouver: Silver WavesAug 24, 2015 03:41Geth Engineer ExtractionsAug 24, 2015 03:25Scion Points 2Aug 24, 2015 02:16Phantom Points 2Aug 21, 2015 01:18Firebase London: Silver WavesAug 21, 2015 00:40Brute Points 3Aug 21, 2015 00:19Salarian Infiltrator Waves CompletedAug 18, 2015 23:54Firebase London ExtractionsAug 18, 2015 23:18Geth Bomber Points 2Nov 27, 2013 01:42Husk Points 2Nov 26, 2013 23:57
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery83%
15 of 18Assault Rifle Mastery77%
7 of 9Geth Rocket Trooper Points 399%
449178 of 450000Dragoon Points 299%
299311 of 300000Geth Pyro Points 398%
443487 of 450000Krogan Soldier Waves Completed97%
195 of 200M-6 Carnifex Use97%
137032 of 140000Guardian Points 295%
286481 of 300000In-Game Medals Earned95%
4752 of 5000Abomination Points 295%
287686 of 300000