
- Summary
Time played:288H 59M 45SGames played:897Current Credits:18,510Leaderboards:#41,233 (Top 3%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Hunter Points 2Feb 10, 2014 18:02Ravager Points 1Feb 9, 2014 20:01Flamer UseFeb 9, 2014 19:57Tech Explosions Detonated 3Jan 19, 2014 22:53Collector MasteryJan 19, 2014 22:39Praetorian Points 3Jan 19, 2014 22:39Marauder Points 1Jan 15, 2014 22:06Male Quarian Engineer Waves CompletedJan 15, 2014 19:50Electrical Hammer UseJan 9, 2014 23:10Firebase Goddess: Gold WavesJan 9, 2014 22:53
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery90%
19 of 21Assault Rifle Mastery77%
7 of 9Geth Spitfire Use99%
199825 of 200000Phaeston Use99%
198010 of 200000Geth Prime Points 298%
295371 of 300000Firebase Vancouver: Gold Waves97%
97 of 100Nemesis Points 396%
434476 of 450000Blood Pack Punisher Use94%
189848 of 200000Squad Revives as Council Race94%
47 of 50Brute Points 293%
281162 of 300000