
- Summary
Time played:165H 24M 1SGames played:493Current Credits:12,908Leaderboards:#30,238 (Top 2%)#25,516 (Top 5%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Centurion Points 2Jan 16, 2015 04:57Biotic Slash UseOct 25, 2014 06:17Tech Explosions Detonated 2Oct 25, 2014 05:39Cryo Blast UseOct 25, 2014 05:38Banshee Points 1Oct 25, 2014 04:56Geth Juggernaut ExtractionsOct 20, 2014 05:23Flamer UseOct 20, 2014 03:09Cerberus Harrier UseOct 20, 2014 02:01Geth MasteryOct 19, 2014 07:21Geth Rocket Trooper Points 3Oct 19, 2014 07:21
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Rebellion Mastery88%
8 of 9N7 Mastery83%
5 of 6Siege Pulse Use99%
49557 of 50000N7 Crusader Use98%
137890 of 140000Abomination Points 298%
294535 of 300000N7 Eagle Use96%
135349 of 140000Vorcha Sentinel Waves Completed96%
192 of 200Firebase Condor: Gold Waves95%
95 of 100Batarian Sentinel Waves Completed94%
189 of 200Firebase London: Gold Waves92%
92 of 100