Gun Slinger

- Summary
Time played:972H 38M 50SGames played:2218Current Credits:23,837Leaderboards:#999 (Top 1%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Hazard: Silver WavesJun 11, 2015 16:33Hazard: Gold WavesJun 11, 2015 16:33Hazard: Bronze WavesJun 11, 2015 16:33Geth MasteryJun 11, 2015 09:57Geth Trooper Points 3Jun 11, 2015 09:57Brute Points 1Jun 11, 2015 09:09Energy Drain UseJun 9, 2015 13:15Scion Points 3Jun 8, 2015 10:28Nemesis Points 2Jun 6, 2015 12:29Overload UseJun 6, 2015 07:48
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Biotic Mastery85%
12 of 14Commando Mastery83%
10 of 12Male Quarian Engineer Waves Completed98%
197 of 200Hazard Extractions94%
47 of 50M-99 Saber Use94%
132609 of 140000Dragoon Points 391%
410274 of 450000Geth Turret Use91%
45958 of 50000Abomination Points 390%
409347 of 450000Firebase Rio: Platinum Waves89%
89 of 100Volus Adept Waves Completed88%
176 of 200