- Summary
Time played:347H 1M 0SGames played:843Current Credits:3,271Leaderboards:#242,927 (Top 13%)#17,059 (Top 4%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Collector Trooper Points 2Feb 2, 2014 22:34Talon Mercenary Waves CompletedJan 27, 2014 03:12Abomination Points 2Jan 27, 2014 02:29Firebase Giant: Platinum WavesJan 26, 2014 21:00Seeker Swarm UseJan 24, 2014 21:31Awakened Collector Waves CompletedJan 24, 2014 20:50Talon Mercenary ExtractionsJan 23, 2014 18:58Geth MasteryJan 23, 2014 17:40Geth Trooper Points 3Jan 23, 2014 17:40Firebase Giant: Silver WavesJan 21, 2014 03:24
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Combat Mastery91%
11 of 12Atlas Points 398%
443137 of 450000Geth Hunter Points 196%
144987 of 150000Geth Plasma SMG Use96%
135367 of 140000N7 Hurricane Use94%
131943 of 140000Praetorian Points 393%
422546 of 450000Husk Points 393%
418639 of 450000Firebase Hydra Extractions93%
14 of 15Hex Shield Use93%
23354 of 25000