
- Summary
Time played:1736H 5M 46SGames played:5393Current Credits:464,535Leaderboards:#765 (Top 1%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Banshee Points 2Mar 15, 2016 05:21Collector SMG UseMar 15, 2016 05:01Tech Explosions Detonated 2Mar 15, 2016 03:41Collector Trooper Points 3Mar 15, 2016 03:33Collector Rifle UseMar 15, 2016 03:30Marauder Points 1Mar 15, 2016 03:19Brute Points 1Mar 15, 2016 03:15Scion Points 2Mar 15, 2016 02:05Executioner Pistol UseMar 15, 2016 02:04Grenade Damage Use 3Mar 15, 2016 01:48
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Machine Mastery87%
7 of 8Cerberus Harrier Use99%
198129 of 200000M-13 Raptor Use97%
194197 of 200000Male Quarian Engineer Waves Completed97%
195 of 200Praetorian Points 296%
289677 of 300000Abomination Points 292%
276195 of 300000Geth Turret Use90%
45341 of 50000Executioner Pistol Use89%
179485 of 200000Warp Use85%
42620 of 50000