
- Summary
Time played:1042H 5M 0SGames played:2771Current Credits:36,353Leaderboards:#1,977 (Top 1%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Black Widow UseDec 26, 2014 00:19Geth Bomber Points 2Dec 25, 2014 23:49Geth Rocket Trooper Points 2Dec 25, 2014 23:45Cerberus Trooper Points 2Dec 25, 2014 23:14Hazard: Gold WavesDec 25, 2014 22:54M-90 Indra UseDec 24, 2014 00:51N7 Valiant UseDec 24, 2014 00:31Energy Drain UseDec 23, 2014 00:36Grenade Damage Use 3Dec 22, 2014 00:25Hazard: Bronze WavesDec 21, 2014 23:49
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Biotic Mastery92%
13 of 14Points Earned98%
24610626 of 25000000Promotions97%
35 of 36Geth Prime Points 397%
437381 of 450000Centurion Points 297%
293377 of 300000Sentry Turret Use94%
47074 of 50000Headshots 394%
941 of 1000Waves Completed93%
2339 of 2500N7 Eagle Use93%
131263 of 140000