- Summary
Time played:86H 6M 34SGames played:276Current Credits:74,289Leaderboards:#157,094 (Top 8%)#221,504 (Top 40%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Play multiplayer matches to start progressing in the challenge system.
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Bloodpack Mastery0%
0 of 9Commando Mastery0%
0 of 12Cerberus Harrier Use44%
62079 of 140000Grenade Damage Use 140%
40472 of 100000N7 Weekend Challenge I33%
1 of 3Cerberus Harrier Use31%
62079 of 200000Geth Trooper Points 129%
44728 of 150000Headshots 120%
51 of 250Grenade Damage Use 220%
40472 of 200000Over-Cover Grab 118%
9 of 50