- Summary
Time played:2209H 10M 56SGames played:6605Current Credits:107,646Leaderboards:#626 (Top 1%)#1,291 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Condor: Bronze WavesMay 23, 2020 20:13Tech Explosions Detonated 1May 19, 2020 03:20Flamer UseMay 17, 2020 21:13Electric Slash UseMay 17, 2020 20:19Banshee Points 3May 16, 2020 23:22M-99 Saber UseMay 16, 2020 22:41Tech MasteryMay 16, 2020 22:34Overload UseMay 16, 2020 22:34Striker Assault Rifle UseMay 15, 2020 19:00Husk Points 1May 15, 2020 18:56
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery90%
19 of 21Resurgence Mastery88%
8 of 9Nemesis Points 399%
447867 of 450000Praetorian Points 299%
298745 of 300000Krogan Warlord Waves Completed99%
198 of 200AT-12 Raider Shotgun Use96%
134445 of 140000Geth Prime Points 396%
433173 of 450000Acolyte Use96%
193972 of 200000Firebase Glacier: Gold Waves95%
95 of 100Promotions95%
23 of 24