- Summary
Time played:158H 16M 6SGames played:561Current Credits:62,554Leaderboards:#36,902 (Top 2%)#43,483 (Top 8%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Prime Points 1Aug 7, 2016 23:15Geth Hunter Points 2Jul 31, 2016 20:34N7 Fury ExtractionsAug 9, 2014 17:58Atlas Points 2Jul 28, 2014 04:40Husk Points 2Jul 26, 2014 02:48Collector Captain Points 3Jul 17, 2014 01:40PromotionsJan 14, 2014 05:19In-Game Medals EarnedJan 14, 2014 05:01Ravager Points 2Jan 14, 2014 03:09Geth Rocket Trooper Points 2Jan 13, 2014 18:40
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery76%
16 of 21Collector Mastery73%
11 of 15Brute Points 397%
438776 of 450000Marauder Points 395%
428636 of 450000Dragoon Points 394%
426212 of 450000Geth Pyro Points 293%
279020 of 300000Banshee Points 293%
281406 of 300000Guardian Points 393%
421100 of 450000Scion Points 390%
405423 of 450000Abomination Points 388%
400211 of 450000