
- Summary
Time played:188H 20M 36SGames played:524Current Credits:101,633Leaderboards:#71,869 (Top 4%)#23,155 (Top 5%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
N7 Typhoon UseDec 8, 2016 06:13Awakened Collector ExtractionsNov 25, 2016 07:26Centurion Points 3May 1, 2014 04:43Cabal Vanguard ExtractionsMay 1, 2014 03:18Reaper MasteryApr 27, 2014 04:47Husk Points 3Apr 27, 2014 04:47Geth Juggernaut Waves CompletedFeb 15, 2014 05:01Geth Bomber Points 1Jan 2, 2014 01:26Survival MedalsDec 15, 2013 05:32Squad EliteDec 15, 2013 05:32
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Combat Mastery91%
11 of 12Cerberus Mastery90%
19 of 21M-90 Indra Use99%
139204 of 140000In-Game Medals Earned98%
4921 of 5000M-358 Talon Use96%
193215 of 200000Geth Turret Use95%
47700 of 50000Geth Hunter Points 293%
281645 of 300000Overload Use92%
46120 of 50000Javelin Use92%
185964 of 200000Throw Use92%
46251 of 50000