
- Summary
Time played:1336H 39M 9SGames played:3723Current Credits:3,596,794Leaderboards:#18,087 (Top 1%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Rio: Bronze WavesSep 9, 2014 02:02Firebase Rio: Silver WavesSep 9, 2014 02:02Ravager Points 1Sep 8, 2014 23:40Cannibal Points 2Sep 8, 2014 23:29Salarian Infiltrator Waves CompletedSep 6, 2014 16:15Guardian Points 1Sep 6, 2014 15:43Krogan Shaman Waves CompletedSep 6, 2014 03:21Warp UseSep 6, 2014 02:40Banshee Points 1Sep 6, 2014 02:17Geth Rocket Trooper Points 2Sep 5, 2014 15:22
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Collector Mastery93%
14 of 15Tech Mastery92%
12 of 13Collector SMG Use99%
139949 of 140000In-Game Medals Earned98%
4938 of 5000Marauder Points 296%
290175 of 300000Pull Use96%
48286 of 50000Geth Prime Points 394%
423046 of 450000Geth Proximity Mine Use94%
47282 of 50000Krogan Battlemaster Waves Completed94%
189 of 200Shockwave Use93%
46998 of 50000