- Summary
Time played:1674H 27M 37SGames played:4282Current Credits:26,017,991Leaderboards:#3,221 (Top 1%)#1,112 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Banshee Points 2Feb 1, 2015 15:13Geth Pyro Points 1Feb 1, 2015 15:01Cannibal Points 1Jan 31, 2015 20:29Brute Points 2Jan 31, 2015 19:55Ravager Points 1Jan 31, 2015 07:16Arc Pistol UseJan 31, 2015 06:57Marauder Points 1Jan 31, 2015 06:42Banshee Points 1Jan 31, 2015 06:40Brute Points 1Jan 30, 2015 21:48Biotic Slash UseJan 23, 2015 17:51
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Combat Mastery91%
11 of 12Cerberus Mastery90%
19 of 21M-76 Revenant Use97%
136994 of 140000Centurion Points 397%
440412 of 450000Submission Net Use96%
48231 of 50000Executioner Pistol Use95%
134256 of 140000Geth Engineer Waves Completed94%
189 of 200Poison Strike Use94%
47260 of 50000Kishock Harpoon Gun Use93%
187493 of 200000Venom Shotgun Use92%
184307 of 200000