
- Summary
Time played:744H 44M 45SGames played:1830Current Credits:4,343Leaderboards:#3,120 (Top 1%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
N7 Fury ExtractionsJul 9, 2014 03:51Biotic Explosions Detonated 2Jul 9, 2014 03:34Firebase Hydra: Gold WavesJul 9, 2014 02:58Firebase Hydra: Silver WavesJul 9, 2014 02:58Firebase Hydra: Bronze WavesJul 9, 2014 02:58Melee Damage Use 2Jul 9, 2014 02:01Points EarnedJul 2, 2014 03:12Scion Points 1Jul 2, 2014 02:42Firebase White: Silver WavesJul 2, 2014 02:34Firebase White: Gold WavesJul 2, 2014 02:34
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery95%
20 of 21Reaper Mastery88%
16 of 18Salarian Infiltrator Waves Completed99%
199 of 200Firebase Jade: Bronze Waves96%
96 of 100Firebase Jade: Silver Waves96%
96 of 100Cerberus Harrier Use93%
186399 of 200000In-Game Medals Earned92%
4636 of 5000Abomination Points 192%
138862 of 150000Submission Net Use91%
45790 of 50000Firebase Jade: Gold Waves89%
89 of 100