
- Summary
Time played:119H 31M 19SGames played:365Current Credits:1,268Leaderboards:#85,016 (Top 5%)#46,696 (Top 9%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Praetorian Points 1May 23, 2021 20:52Firebase Hydra: Bronze WavesMay 23, 2021 02:39PromotionsSep 19, 2020 17:02Geth Rocket Trooper Points 2Sep 9, 2020 01:28Geth Turret UseSep 7, 2020 17:03Headshots 2Sep 7, 2020 00:34Marauder Points 3Sep 6, 2020 23:10Dark Sphere UseSep 6, 2020 21:22Geth Hunter Points 2Sep 6, 2020 21:18Brute Points 2Sep 6, 2020 19:34
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Tech Mastery76%
10 of 13Squad Elite75%
6 of 8Firebase Jade: Bronze Waves99%
99 of 100N7 Piranha Use97%
136513 of 140000Abomination Points 297%
291338 of 300000Over-Cover Grab 196%
48 of 50Geth Pulse Rifle Use93%
130281 of 140000Cobra Missile Launcher Use92%
414230 of 450000Dragoon Points 290%
271056 of 300000Geth Pyro Points 289%
268917 of 300000