Cyber Warrior

- Summary
Time played:576H 48M 16SGames played:1931Current Credits:38,979Leaderboards:#5,659 (Top 1%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Bomber Points 3Jul 2, 2013 17:57Geth MasteryJul 2, 2013 17:57N7 Fury ExtractionsJul 2, 2013 17:40Abomination Points 3Jul 1, 2013 23:40Collector MasteryJul 1, 2013 23:40Dragoon Points 3Jul 1, 2013 20:39Guardian Points 3Jul 1, 2013 19:47Waves CompletedJul 1, 2013 14:33Praetorian Points 3Jun 30, 2013 20:37Drell Assassin Waves CompletedJun 30, 2013 20:14
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery95%
20 of 21Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Collector SMG Use93%
131306 of 140000Collector SMG Use93%
131448 of 140000M-11 Suppressor Use93%
131312 of 140000Gold Extractions92%
23 of 25Over-Cover Grab 291%
91 of 100Husk Points 391%
409623 of 450000N7 Slayer Extractions90%
9 of 10Arc Pistol Use89%
125606 of 140000