Street Sweeper

- Summary
Time played:316H 51M 26SGames played:858Current Credits:88,171Leaderboards:#19,071 (Top 1%)#11,685 (Top 3%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Turian Proximity Mine UseJun 22, 2020 04:15Striker Assault Rifle UseJun 21, 2020 04:49Annihilation Field UseJun 20, 2020 05:42Striker Assault Rifle UseJun 20, 2020 05:01Adas Anti-Synthetic Rifle UseJun 13, 2020 03:50Reckoning MasteryJun 13, 2020 03:50Adas Anti-Synthetic Rifle UseMay 21, 2020 06:02Phaeston UseMay 18, 2020 04:03Submission Net UseMay 16, 2020 07:05N7 Eagle UseMay 16, 2020 07:04
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Cerberus Mastery90%
19 of 21Collector Captain Points 399%
448372 of 450000Incinerate Use97%
48772 of 50000Geth Pyro Points 296%
288145 of 300000Biotic Hammer Use95%
47942 of 50000Turian Ghost Waves Completed94%
189 of 200Vorcha Soldier Waves Completed93%
186 of 200Collector Assault Rifle Use92%
185475 of 200000N7 Typhoon Use91%
182734 of 200000