- Summary
Time played:1586H 24M 47SGames played:4536Current Credits:4,579,427Leaderboards:#1,038 (Top 1%)#1,418 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Abomination Points 1Feb 23, 2022 08:43Geth Prime Points 1Apr 12, 2020 11:52Snap Freeze UseApr 12, 2020 11:52Cryo Blast UseApr 12, 2020 11:38Waves CompletedApr 12, 2020 05:51Biotic Explosions Detonated 3Apr 12, 2020 05:43Geth Turret UseApr 11, 2020 13:25M-7 Lancer UseApr 11, 2020 11:56M-99 Saber UseApr 11, 2020 10:23Flamer UseMar 20, 2017 15:18
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Combat Mastery91%
11 of 12Collector Assault Rifle Use98%
197819 of 200000Firebase Reactor: Platinum Waves98%
98 of 100Collector Sniper Rifle Use97%
135986 of 140000Firebase White: Platinum Waves97%
97 of 100Scion Points 196%
144868 of 150000Geth Infiltrator Waves Completed96%
193 of 200Promotions95%
23 of 24Husk Points 394%
427355 of 450000