- Summary
Time played:93H 50M 12SGames played:323Current Credits:84,906Leaderboards:#105,804 (Top 6%)#54,999 (Top 10%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Cobra Missile Launcher UseJan 4, 2015 20:31Collector Sniper Rifle UseSep 5, 2014 21:05Collector Sniper Rifle UseSep 5, 2014 21:05Flamer UseSep 5, 2014 20:15Quarian Engineer ExtractionsSep 5, 2014 19:40Guardian Points 2Sep 5, 2014 19:34Dragoon Points 1Sep 5, 2014 08:56Alliance Infiltrator ExtractionsSep 5, 2014 08:07Talon Mercenary Waves CompletedSep 2, 2014 03:46Waves CompletedSep 2, 2014 03:27
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Biotic Mastery85%
12 of 14SMG Mastery80%
4 of 5Geth Prime Points 199%
148992 of 150000Geth Hunter Points 298%
295465 of 300000Marauder Points 298%
295653 of 300000M-13 Raptor Use97%
135816 of 140000M-358 Talon Use97%
137039 of 140000Ravager Points 296%
289645 of 300000Atlas Points 296%
290862 of 300000M-11 Wraith Use95%
133838 of 140000