- Summary
Time played:126H 25M 20SGames played:394Current Credits:72,216Leaderboards:#73,464 (Top 4%)#81,234 (Top 15%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Rio ExtractionsAug 19, 2014 22:36Melee Damage Use 2Aug 19, 2014 22:08Survival MedalsAug 11, 2013 16:25Geth Trooper Points 2Jul 22, 2013 22:31Biotic Slash UseJul 22, 2013 22:18Phantom Points 3Jun 15, 2013 00:09Cobra Missile Launcher UseJun 13, 2013 16:40PromotionsJun 13, 2013 15:24Cannibal Points 2Jun 13, 2013 15:08Cerberus Harrier UseJun 11, 2013 19:04
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery66%
14 of 21Combat Mastery66%
8 of 12Geth Hunter Points 199%
149753 of 150000Krogan Sentinel Waves Completed98%
196 of 200Geth Rocket Trooper Points 196%
144121 of 150000Biotic Charge Use94%
47471 of 50000Collector Trooper Points 293%
280668 of 300000Cannibal Points 389%
404491 of 450000Biotic Hammer Use89%
44678 of 50000Silver Extractions88%
22 of 25