
- Summary
Time played:172H 36M 57SGames played:516Current Credits:74,250Leaderboards:#61,680 (Top 4%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Shockwave UseFeb 14, 2014 18:15Submission Net UseFeb 14, 2014 18:07Cerberus Harrier UseFeb 13, 2014 23:52First Aid MedalsFeb 13, 2014 20:32Cerberus Harrier UseFeb 12, 2014 20:38Husk Points 3Feb 11, 2014 16:28Batarian Sentinel ExtractionsFeb 4, 2014 07:45Submission Net UseFeb 4, 2014 06:53Graal Spike Thrower UseJan 23, 2014 07:53M-37 Falcon UseJan 20, 2014 06:28
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Cerberus Mastery90%
19 of 21In-Game Medals Earned98%
4915 of 5000Geth Pyro Points 397%
440296 of 450000Scion Points 397%
440880 of 450000Ballistic Blade Use96%
48403 of 50000Geth Rocket Trooper Points 392%
417148 of 450000Over-Cover Grab 192%
46 of 50Batarian Sentinel Waves Completed91%
182 of 200Geth Hunter Points 391%
413722 of 450000