
- Summary
Time played:188H 36M 27SGames played:696Current Credits:4,553Leaderboards:#35,164 (Top 2%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Assault Rifle MasteryJun 28, 2014 06:57Geth Pulse Rifle UseJun 28, 2014 06:57Geth Pyro Points 3Jun 27, 2014 00:52Dragoon Points 2Jun 26, 2014 04:04Scion Points 2Jun 26, 2014 03:51Geth Prime Points 3Jun 26, 2014 03:34Geth Bomber Points 2Jun 26, 2014 03:33Praetorian Points 2Jun 26, 2014 03:32Atlas Points 3Jun 26, 2014 02:58Assault Rifle MedalsJun 26, 2014 02:54
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery88%
16 of 18Squad Elite75%
6 of 8Praetorian Points 399%
449942 of 450000Sentry Turret Use93%
46890 of 50000Melee Damage Use 292%
460737 of 500000N7 Piranha Use92%
129553 of 140000Throw Use91%
45698 of 50000Vorcha Soldier Extractions90%
9 of 10Firebase Giant: Silver Waves89%
89 of 100Guardian Points 289%
267682 of 300000