Gun Slinger

- Summary
Time played:755H 42M 57SGames played:1967Current Credits:2,722,465Leaderboards:#8,159 (Top 1%)#5,252 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Batarian Soldier ExtractionsOct 22, 2013 19:40Scorpion UseOct 21, 2013 23:42Snap Freeze UseOct 17, 2013 22:01Cryo Blast UseOct 17, 2013 21:19Firebase Vancouver: Silver WavesOct 17, 2013 20:30Hazard ExtractionsOct 17, 2013 15:51Geth Rocket Trooper Points 3Oct 16, 2013 21:04Geth MasteryOct 16, 2013 21:04Shadow Strike UseOct 15, 2013 00:59Electric Slash UseOct 15, 2013 00:02
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery95%
20 of 21Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18M-55 Argus Assault Rifle Use99%
138685 of 140000Guardian Points 398%
442825 of 450000Tech Explosions Detonated 397%
487 of 500Krogan Battlemaster Waves Completed97%
194 of 200Blood Pack Punisher Use96%
135113 of 140000Biotic Slash Use95%
47538 of 50000Firebase Ghost: Gold Waves95%
95 of 100Barrier Use94%
47014 of 50000