- Summary
Time played:75H 59M 1SGames played:258Current Credits:8,078Leaderboards:#248,935 (Top 13%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
N7 Fury ExtractionsJun 11, 2013 00:26Biotic Explosions Detonated 3Jun 11, 2013 00:13Annihilation Field UseJun 9, 2013 02:12Tech Explosions Detonated 1Jun 9, 2013 02:05Dark Channel UseDec 24, 2012 18:13Throw UseDec 24, 2012 18:05Biotic Explosions Detonated 2Dec 16, 2012 22:56Biotic Explosions Detonated 1Oct 10, 2012 01:01
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Biotic Mastery42%
6 of 14Earth Mastery11%
1 of 9N7 Piranha Use73%
102488 of 140000Firebase Glacier: Bronze Waves70%
70 of 100Firebase Glacier: Silver Waves70%
70 of 100Firebase Glacier: Gold Waves60%
60 of 100Silver Extractions56%
14 of 25Bronze Extractions56%
14 of 25N7 Piranha Use51%
102488 of 200000Firebase Glacier: Platinum Waves50%
50 of 100