
- Summary
Time played:158H 30M 28SGames played:496Current Credits:153,873Leaderboards:#72,218 (Top 4%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Phantom Points 3Aug 22, 2014 06:04Geth Prime Points 3Aug 22, 2014 06:02Guardian Points 1Aug 22, 2014 05:33Dragoon Points 2Aug 22, 2014 05:26Geth Bomber Points 2Aug 22, 2014 05:17Scion Points 2Aug 22, 2014 05:13Gold ExtractionsAug 22, 2014 05:03Squad EliteAug 22, 2014 05:03Firebase Giant: Silver WavesAug 22, 2014 04:42Geth Prime Points 2Aug 21, 2014 06:10
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Geth Mastery72%
13 of 18Praetorian Points 299%
297778 of 300000Firebase Glacier: Gold Waves95%
95 of 100Firebase Condor: Bronze Waves95%
95 of 100Turian Ghost Waves Completed95%
190 of 200Geth Hunter Points 394%
424150 of 450000Geth Rocket Trooper Points 294%
283071 of 300000Abomination Points 292%
276537 of 300000Firebase Reactor: Bronze Waves88%
88 of 100