- Summary
Time played:659H 58M 7SGames played:1869Current Credits:1,069,829Leaderboards:#10,481 (Top 1%)#3,149 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Biotic Explosions Detonated 2Nov 8, 2020 00:53Throw UseOct 12, 2020 00:24Tech Explosions Detonated 3Oct 11, 2020 00:11Warp UseNov 22, 2016 21:35Overload UseJul 19, 2014 20:57Geth Pyro Points 2Jul 17, 2014 20:47Geth Prime Points 3Jul 10, 2014 21:06Quarian Marksman Waves CompletedJul 10, 2014 20:54Geth Hunter Points 2Jun 21, 2014 20:57M-90 Indra UseJun 17, 2014 20:56
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Combat Mastery83%
10 of 12Collector Mastery80%
12 of 15Marauder Points 399%
447924 of 450000Geth Rocket Trooper Points 299%
298581 of 300000N7 Hurricane Use98%
138404 of 140000Geth Bomber Points 297%
291518 of 300000Shotgun Medals97%
97 of 100Atlas Points 396%
434052 of 450000Geth Hunter Points 393%
422093 of 450000Melee Damage Use 392%
923998 of 1000000