
- Summary
Time played:395H 7M 48SGames played:1405Current Credits:6,933Leaderboards:#40,357 (Top 3%)#14,346 (Top 3%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Husk Points 1May 11, 2014 03:02Adas Anti-Synthetic Rifle UseMay 11, 2014 02:54Singularity UseApr 14, 2014 20:13Abomination Points 2Apr 14, 2014 01:03Batarian Sentinel ExtractionsApr 12, 2014 21:15Kishock Harpoon Gun UseApr 12, 2014 11:18Marauder Points 1Apr 6, 2014 23:43Ravager Points 1Apr 6, 2014 22:55Hazard: Silver WavesApr 6, 2014 22:42Brute Points 1Feb 8, 2014 23:33
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Outsider Mastery85%
6 of 7Cerberus Harrier Use97%
135973 of 140000Hex Shield Use93%
23489 of 25000N7 Typhoon Use93%
130776 of 140000Arc Pistol Use93%
130592 of 140000Melee Damage Use 392%
926984 of 1000000Phaeston Use92%
130003 of 140000Firebase White: Silver Waves90%
90 of 100Krogan Warlord Extractions90%
9 of 10