- Summary
Time played:260H 33M 42SGames played:806Current Credits:94,188Leaderboards:#242,928 (Top 13%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Collector Trooper Points 2Jun 27, 2014 02:06Collector Captain Points 1Jun 20, 2014 02:42Geth Pyro Points 1Jun 19, 2014 02:51Disciple UseJun 19, 2014 02:13Scion Points 1Jun 18, 2014 01:51In-Game Medals EarnedJun 14, 2014 03:32Melee Damage Use 2Jun 14, 2014 02:55Geth Trooper Points 1Jun 12, 2014 00:35Guardian Points 3Jun 10, 2014 01:20Husk Points 3Jun 7, 2014 02:59
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery95%
20 of 21Tech Mastery76%
10 of 13Geth Hunter Points 197%
146698 of 150000Geth Prime Points 194%
141416 of 150000Firebase Goddess Extractions93%
14 of 15Grenade Damage Use 190%
90741 of 100000Geth Pulse Rifle Use88%
124539 of 140000Geth Rocket Trooper Points 185%
128686 of 150000Nemesis Points 384%
378174 of 450000Carnage Use83%
41682 of 50000