- Summary
Time played:160H 18M 31SGames played:523Current Credits:60,262Leaderboards:#44,159 (Top 3%)#23,893 (Top 5%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Nemesis Points 1Dec 29, 2016 06:27Husk Points 2Dec 29, 2016 06:14Firebase White: Gold WavesDec 28, 2016 06:18Geth Trooper Points 1Jul 17, 2014 07:46Geth Rocket Trooper Points 2Jul 17, 2014 07:14PromotionsJul 17, 2014 06:24Geth Bomber Points 3Jul 17, 2014 03:45In-Game Medals EarnedJul 17, 2014 03:19Spectre MasteryJul 17, 2014 03:19Marauder Points 3Jul 10, 2014 02:32
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Collector Mastery93%
14 of 15Geth Mastery83%
15 of 18Geth Rocket Trooper Points 399%
449326 of 450000Hazard: Silver Waves96%
193 of 200Turian Ghost Waves Completed95%
190 of 200Firebase Jade: Bronze Waves94%
94 of 100M-6 Carnifex Use91%
128438 of 140000Geth Pulse Rifle Use90%
126483 of 140000N7 Typhoon Use89%
125727 of 140000Firebase Rio: Bronze Waves88%
88 of 100