
- Summary
Time played:581H 56M 47SGames played:1639Current Credits:32,037Leaderboards:#3,749 (Top 1%)#4,369 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Arc Pistol UseMay 9, 2017 20:23Melee Damage Use 2May 9, 2017 20:01Smash UseMay 9, 2017 19:07Marauder Points 1May 9, 2017 15:50Ravager Points 1Apr 25, 2017 22:38Biotic Slash UseAug 4, 2014 06:57N7 Paladin ExtractionsAug 4, 2014 06:13Brute Points 1Aug 4, 2014 05:42M-22 Eviscerator UseAug 4, 2014 05:18Snap Freeze UseAug 4, 2014 04:25
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Biotic Mastery85%
12 of 14N7 Mastery83%
5 of 6Collector Captain Points 197%
145738 of 150000Headshots 393%
934 of 1000Geth Pulse Rifle Use90%
181070 of 200000Banshee Points 290%
270546 of 300000Executioner Pistol Use90%
180679 of 200000Turian Sentinel Waves Completed88%
177 of 200N7 Piranha Use88%
176613 of 200000Dragoon Points 387%
393321 of 450000