
- Summary
Time played:1219H 10M 30SGames played:3188Current Credits:310,305Leaderboards:#3,130 (Top 1%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Abomination Points 3Feb 12, 2016 02:56Collector SMG UseFeb 11, 2016 02:12Biotic Explosions Detonated 3Feb 9, 2016 16:03Warp UseFeb 9, 2016 15:53Shockwave UseFeb 9, 2016 03:31Geth Hunter Points 2Feb 9, 2016 03:27Geth Trooper Points 1Feb 7, 2016 22:35Biotic Explosions Detonated 2Feb 7, 2016 01:36Geth Bomber Points 1Feb 7, 2016 00:09Geth Pyro Points 1Feb 7, 2016 00:04
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Map Mastery97%
39 of 40Cerberus Mastery95%
20 of 21Adas Anti-Synthetic Rifle Use96%
192005 of 200000Phoenix Adept Waves Completed95%
190 of 200Firebase Jade: Platinum Waves95%
95 of 100M-25 Hornet Use93%
130957 of 140000Biotic Hammer Use92%
46490 of 50000Venom Shotgun Use92%
185033 of 200000N7 Weekend Challenge III88%
8 of 9Firebase Vancouver: Platinum Waves88%
88 of 100