- Summary
Time played:144H 29M 5SGames played:438Current Credits:7,225Leaderboards:#84,653 (Top 5%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Cobra Missile Launcher UseSep 8, 2014 11:37Phantom Points 1Jun 16, 2014 17:40Firebase Giant: Bronze WavesApr 16, 2014 21:03Biotic Explosions Detonated 3Apr 15, 2014 17:41Tech Explosions Detonated 3Apr 15, 2014 17:32Banshee Points 2Jan 13, 2014 21:55Brute Points 2Jan 13, 2014 20:51Ravager Points 1Jan 13, 2014 20:49Silver ExtractionsSep 13, 2013 05:09Grenade Damage Use 3Sep 13, 2013 04:08
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Biotic Mastery42%
6 of 14Squad Elite37%
3 of 8Firebase Giant: Silver Waves99%
99 of 100Cannibal Points 190%
136275 of 150000Gold Extractions88%
22 of 25Atlas Points 182%
123125 of 150000Unknown Map Extractions80%
20 of 25Unknown Enemy Extractions80%
20 of 25Geth Hunter Points 179%
119368 of 150000Hazard: Silver Waves77%
154 of 200