
- Summary
Time played:129H 40M 56SGames played:466Current Credits:19,215Leaderboards:#104,745 (Top 6%)#36,087 (Top 7%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Turian Proximity Mine UseMay 28, 2013 04:30Tech MasteryMay 27, 2013 04:37Siege Pulse UseMay 27, 2013 04:37Hex Shield UseMay 27, 2013 04:08Turian Saboteur Waves CompletedMay 27, 2013 03:55M-9 Tempest UseMay 27, 2013 03:27Geth Prime Points 2May 27, 2013 03:04M-12 Locust UseMay 27, 2013 02:03Sentry Turret UseMay 27, 2013 01:37Firebase Dagger: Silver WavesMay 26, 2013 06:00
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Commando Mastery91%
11 of 12Squad Elite87%
7 of 8Banshee Points 299%
297002 of 300000Abomination Points 298%
296797 of 300000Striker Assault Rifle Use97%
194036 of 200000Geth Bomber Points 297%
293441 of 300000In-Game Medals Earned96%
4811 of 5000Praetorian Points 295%
286074 of 300000M-76 Revenant Use95%
133776 of 140000Scion Points 294%
282382 of 300000