
- Summary
Time played:268H 49M 30SGames played:919Current Credits:59,841Leaderboards:#61,766 (Top 4%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Vancouver: Silver WavesSep 23, 2013 20:18Collector Sniper Rifle UseSep 2, 2013 20:49Retaliation MasterySep 2, 2013 20:49Collector Sniper Rifle UseSep 2, 2013 20:49Firebase London: Silver WavesJul 28, 2013 22:06Arc Pistol UseJul 28, 2013 21:47Flamer UseJul 28, 2013 21:23Praetorian Points 2Jul 28, 2013 20:03Biotic Explosions Detonated 1Jul 27, 2013 21:27Firebase Condor: Silver WavesJul 27, 2013 20:58
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Arc Pistol Use98%
197491 of 200000Geth Prime Points 392%
415577 of 450000Scion Points 391%
412083 of 450000Assault Rifle Medals89%
89 of 100M-300 Claymore Use89%
125102 of 140000Tech Explosions Detonated 188%
44 of 50Firebase Jade: Silver Waves88%
88 of 100Banshee Points 386%
388960 of 450000