- Summary
Time played:136H 43M 27SGames played:411Current Credits:431Leaderboards:#135,643 (Top 7%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Ghost: Bronze WavesJun 4, 2013 19:18Firebase Ghost: Silver WavesJun 4, 2013 19:18Operation Lodestar (Normal)Mar 5, 2013 19:50Guardian Points 1Mar 5, 2013 19:46Centurion Points 2Mar 5, 2013 19:34Operation ProphecyDec 24, 2012 02:05Operation ProphecyDec 24, 2012 02:05Operation ProphecyDec 24, 2012 01:36Turian Ghost Waves CompletedDec 24, 2012 01:05Firebase London: Silver WavesDec 24, 2012 00:56
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery77%
14 of 18Squad Elite75%
6 of 8Waves Completed97%
2447 of 2500Cerberus Trooper Points 396%
434941 of 450000Firebase White: Gold Waves94%
94 of 100First Aid Medals94%
94 of 100Geth Hunter Points 393%
422168 of 450000Collector Captain Points 392%
415573 of 450000Banshee Points 390%
405194 of 450000Hazard Extractions88%
44 of 50